Build a forest with each building!
Façades are exposed to a lot of organic pollution, ranging from bird lime to diesel fumes. But it is not just these harmful substances that dirty the surface and attack it. There is one more organic material that constantly attacks the building, but which is harder to detect: NOx (nitrogen oxide).
As the main component in smog, NOx does not just pollute buildings – it also threatens the quality of the air we breathe. However, in the vicinity of a façade made up of aluminium cladding coated with EcoClean™, the NOx molecules are attacked by free radicals. These are the result of the reaction of the titanium dioxide layer (EcoClean™) with the water and oxygen contained in the air. They then oxidise the NOx molecules, which are thereby transformed into a harmless nitrate.
In this way your façade does not just get rid of the dirt on its surface. It also reduces the amount of smog in the air, making a substantial contribution to a cleaner environment as a result.
Example of the amount of smog dispersed by EcoClean™:
1,000 m2 of Reynobond®|Reynolux® with EcoClean™ disperse as much smog as approximately 80 trees. This is equivalent to the daily emissions of four cars.